Upcoming factions
During many team calls we finally settled on having five factions. Having observed three-faction systems typically devolving into two versus one we thought about having four so that one versus one is more common and two versus one risk becoming two versus two. However, there were arguments that having five factions will cross the border to essentially “many factions”, thus paving the way to less permanent alliances. Below you can find faction crests.

Alpha testing sector
The game approaches becoming halfway-playable Alpha. Optimists among us hoped we would finish every basic mechanic still this year. Alas, that has not been granted. What we did manage to do is to create a sector meant to be playable rather than a test-bed of whatever creations we have.

It has four planets, an orange giant star, two nebulae and reasonable amount of asteroids nearby. There is also NPC den in the corner but sadly it will remain empty for some time.
Happy New Year!
Internal changes concern creation of new accounts, secure storage of passwords, efficient persistence mechanisms and still more interface expansion. Sector background generation mechanism has been improved too, letting us better control colour of background nebulae. There is still so much to do.
We look to the new year with renewed hope of completing essentials in game loop – having functional basic economy providing players with funds to explore the space and meet strange creatures.