Spring is in full bloom and our combat system is blossoming as well! However, all these flowers attract a lot of bugs! This month we made significant progress to combat interaction and squished some very… unique bugs.
At present, we have a handful of combat actions beyond simply firing mah lazors (though some of you really only care for that). These include Shield Boosting, Engine Boosting, Lock on Target, and the famous Run Away.
You’re also able to select targets for your actions and view the queue of actions you’ve selected. These will resolve at the end of the combat round indicated by the middle timer.
A major fix this month revolved around the creation of quantum storage in your cargo hold. Previously, using the “Jettison” option to remove a negative value of cargo from your ship would actually add cargo space. Now, defenestration of cargo leaves your ship in much the same state.
Another interesting thing found is the use of various unicode characters in player input fields. With the aim of enabling better player expression, we enabled the use of various characters like apostrophes. This got us some funny results as with this tester’s ship name
(P.S. Discord permanent invite link: https://discord.gg/7zw76VQnPg )